Friday, February 3, 2012

Weather forecast for the foreseeable future:  low 67, high 85

Rincon has many little panaderias (bakeries) that serve pastries, coffee, juice, some will fry a couple eggs, some have lunch items.  Most of the pastries are fried, we haven't seen anything like a cinnamon roll.  Each morning we drive 2 blocks to a public parking lot.  We would walk, but we can't figure out how to get in and out of our super secure building's premises without using the car and remote gate opener.  Then we walk to the panaderia of the day, have one pastry (me) or two (Dave), coffee, and plan our day.

Today we spent most of our day on Steps Beach:  beach walking, snorkeling, and sitting in the shade reading.  Here's a shot of the coral on the beach.  It is rock hard, slippery to walk on, but I love the rivulets that wash the water back out to sea.

Above is a shot of Mona Island (on the left), which is 12 miles off shore and kind of hard to see without enlarging, also the "steps".

Throughout the area are Tsunami warning signs. 

A defunct nuclear reactor dome, for which Domes Beach was named.

Whitewater on Sandy Beach, where there is supposed to be good sea glass hunting, but it was too windy to do anything the day we were there.   

Many homes are brightly colored, but none as bright as this church! 

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